We Combine Cognitive, Emotional and Artificial Intelligence to Empower People
Sales Strategy and Leadership
Effective Sales Leadership
The Sales Manager, in addition to the Management of the Sales System (Planning, Organization, Sales Processes, Results Monitoring and Control) needs to exercise effective Leadership.
Be able to inspire, guide, motivate, empower and support the sales team at all stages to achieve success.
Understand that salespeople have psychological needs that need special handling. Appropriately respond to the needs, obstacles, difficulties and other challenges faced by salespeople as growth opportunities rather than reactively treating them as a problem.
The sales profession is hard work full of difficulties, pressures, anxieties, negotiations, uncertainty, rejections and many other challenges.
It is important to realize that the majority of outside salespeople's time is spent traveling and communicating with customers, almost cut off – physically, socially and psychologically – from their business.
The salesperson often wonders if the effort he is putting in is visible and will be recognized. His doubt leads him to project a relative resistance to instructions, to changes, to control procedures and at the same time to feel that he is wronged and to increase his demands.
When salespeople do not feel compelled to execute the sales strategy but put in their best effort because they want to and believe in themselves, their products, their leader, their company, and even that they are fulfilling a great mission, then a high level leadership. This creates an environment that salespeople thrive in, creating a good reputation that attracts both customers and sales talent who will want to be part of that sales team.
Target Audience
Managers and Sales Development Teams.
Sectors of activity: Retail and wholesale trade, services, production, construction and manufacturing.
Subjects and objectives to be developed
Alignment of vendors. How to clearly and motivatingly communicate the sales mission and goals and have everyone working together for their success.
Interest of sellers. How to involve your team in the process of setting goals and ways to achieve them to ensure their participation and commitment.
Seller feedback. How to more effectively give feedback to your salespeople on the progress of their results and their professional behavior.
Motivation and Recognition of salespeople. How to motivate and inspire your salespeople to drive them to specific results and behaviors. How to comprehensively and objectively evaluate and then reward the performance of your salespeople in a fairer way.
Strengthening resilience. How to strengthen their resilience to withstand the difficult by ensuring their self-confidence, optimism, courage and perseverance. To recover their psychological strength after every 'adverse situation'.
Seller guidance. How to help salespeople identify and evaluate their skills, results, beliefs and behaviors. How to strengthen their awareness and self-management.
Communication skills. How to enhance the quality of your communication – words, expressions, tone, style, body movement and active listening. How to adapt your communication style to different personality types in your team.
Emotional Competence – EQ. How to enhance your internal motivation, self-awareness, self-management, empathy and relationship management for greater leadership success. Creating team spirit. How to develop your cooperation between you and the sellers, with each other as well as with the departments involved. How to develop cooperative relationships with customers.
Development of salespeople – leaders. How to identify improvement needs according to their assessment and plan actions to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes. Find out if you focus more on the character or behavior of the salespeople and what areas to focus more on.
Building trust. How to earn respect and develop trust. How to lead by example.
Integrating new Sellers. How to strengthen the system of evaluation and recruitment of new sellers. How to integrate them more successfully within the team and the market.
Characteristics of the program
Flexible with the possibility of the design and implementation being adapted according to the needs, data and goals of the business / organization of the trainees.
It is applied within the premises of the company or in an approved room or in an online area approved by the Human Resources Development Authority.
Groups are organized, the duration is determined and meetings are planned depending on the possibility of the company's schedule.
The instructor presents it in a way that helps the trainees feel comfortable, enjoyable and gets their interest.
Questions are asked, discussion is held to exchange knowledge, opinions, ideas and experiences. Thus, the trainees are able to participate more actively and creatively, thus understanding the program better.
The role of the trainer turns into a facilitator, coordinator and coach.
The program has a workshop nature and a large part of the time is dedicated to apply group and individual exercises related to the business environment and their roles: questionnaires, scenarios, simulation, problem solving, risk management, idea workshops, decision making, etc.
The learning experience is enhanced, which is maintained over time, thus increasing the ability and performance at the individual and group level of the trainees.
Modern methods of training and distance learning of adults working in a business environment are used.
Leverage current application technologies, including artificial intelligence, developed in the digital age to transform the learning process and develop the learning potential and experience.
Presentations are stylish with attractive photos and slides that attract and retain attention.
Program implementation methodology
The aim is to ensure that the training programs are efficient, effective and aligned with the objectives of the trainees and the business / organization.
We follow a systematic instructional design framework used to guide the process of creating vocational training programs that supports Program Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation.
We focus on structuring the creation of learning experiences by promoting group learning to achieve geometric efficiency.
The company can understand through the program how to facilitate and strengthen the application of the program in its daily operation, to identify and evaluate the improvements that have occurred over time after the implementation of the program.
We identify and analyze the improvement needs of the business and the trainees who will participate in the program.
We design the educational approach of the group.
We develop the content of the program
We implement the program with the methodology, means and techniques specified.
We evaluate the achievement of learning objectives and program performance.
Χορηγίες ΑνΑΔ
Η υλοποίηση των μονοεπιχειρησιακών επιχορηγημένων προγραμμάτων μπορεί να γίνει μέσα στον χώρο της επιχείρησης ή σε εγκεκριμένη αίθουσα ή σε διαδικτυακό χώρο που εγκρίνονται από την ΑνΑΔ.
Το κόστος της εκπαίδευσης μπορεί να καλυφθεί μέχρι και 100% από την επιχορήγηση της ΑνΑΔ, ανάλογα με το επίπεδο χορηγήματος και τον αριθμό ατόμων που συμμετέχουν στο πρόγραμμα.
Υποστηρίζουμε τις επιχειρήσεις με τις διαδικασίες έγκρισης και καταβολής χορηγήματος από την Αρχή Ανάπτυξης Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού μέσω της πλατφόρμας ΕΡΜΗΣ.
Benefits for the business
It develops knowledge, skills, behavioral attitudes and mindsets
It enhances human resource resilience and continuous improvement, adaptation
It enhances people's satisfaction, commitment and dedication to achieve goals
Aligns HR with vision, mission and strategy
It revitalizes and strengthens individuals' optimism for a better future
Increases results and performance at individual and team level
More effective management of business risks is achieved
It better prepares the business / organization for the upcoming challenges
It enhances prospects, opportunities and competitiveness
Without leadership things go in the wrong direction and sooner or later chaos and descent ensue.
Expression of interest
Please contact us directly for more information on the program you are interested in and how you can apply it to your business exclusively for your own employees.
Just fill in the details below and we will contact you shortly.
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