Training Programs - Seminars HRDA Cyprus
Business Management, Compliance, and Control
The business environment has been characterized as VUCA - Volatile/Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Uncertain. Businesses and organizations are called to change the way they perceive their current and potential challenges.
Business risk management, the need to develop resilience and the need to harmonize and comply with the regulatory environment is no longer a voluntary act but an imperative to ensure business continuity and sustainable growth.
General Data Protection Regulation
Businesses today face a significant challenge regarding the protection of natural persons against the processing of personal data.
Trust is the most important asset for a business since it can determine its value.
If you don't manage things, things will manage you.
Our philosophy on how we design and implement training programs
At PARTNERS PS we design the educational programs according to the appropriate modern methods and standards of adult education that promote a sustainable learning experience. They are human-centered and adapt according to the needs and the profile of individuals, teams and businesses / organizations.
We present them in a way that helps participants feel comfortable, enjoyable and engaging. We apply modern methods and techniques of group learning with the aim of interaction, cooperation, investigative thinking, critical thinking and systemic thinking. We mobilize logic and emotion. We explain how the topics we present can be applied to the daily life of the company they work for.
We help the managerial, supervisory and other personnel of the company to develop the knowledge, abilities, skills, teamwork and the desired attitudes thus achieving greater results for the company and for the individuals themselves.
The trainers of PARTNERS PS are possessed of knowledge, skill, training experience, ethos and passion to ensure the best result. They have the right character and a dynamic personality to better connect with participants and inspire them to learn and help them make changes for improvement and growth.
They are fans of lifelong learning.
They are Certified Training Instructors according to Professional Qualifications of the Cyprus Human Resources Development Authority and hold international certifications - Institute of Certified Management Consultants, Institute of Certified Internal Auditors, Six Seconds (EQ Practitioner).
The implementation of the single-business subsidized programs can be done inside the business premises or in an approved room or in an online space approved by the Human Resources Development Authority. The cost of the training can be covered up to 100% by the grant of the AND, depending on the level of the grant and the number of people participating in the program.
We support businesses with the approval and grant payment procedures from the Human Resources Development Authority through the ERMIS platform.
We provide consulting services to support businesses for the practical application - implementation of the subjects we train. We provide solutions!
Objective. The main objective of consulting services is the best possible understanding of market changes and trends, the formulation and execution of the strategy, the creation of the appropriate culture, the correct diagnosis of weaknesses, problems, strengthening opportunities, the separation of causes from the consequences and the planning of improvement and development actions. The importance of early diagnosis of essential problems and early planning for the future in businesses and organizations daily prove the wisdom of the saying of Hippocrates (460-370 BC) "Prevention is better than cure."
Solutions. Then, we can develop a practical and applicable action plan for the best possible management according to the data and goals of your business. Emphasis is placed on enabling the business to innovate and differentiate itself from the competition by developing competitive advantages.
Professional characteristics. The proposed solutions are designed according to modern principles and standards. They include the best business practices of the market, are practically applicable and effective. Their application seeks the minimum possible resources (financial solutions). They ensure the development and at the same time the flexibility for constant adaptation to the new conditions and demands of the environment.
The benefits of regular training
Develops knowledge, skills, behavioral attitudes and attitudes
It enhances human resource resilience and continuous improvement, adaptation
It enhances people's satisfaction, commitment and dedication to achieving goals
Aligns HR with vision, mission and strategy
It revitalizes and strengthens individuals' optimism for a better future
Increases results and performance at individual and team level
More effective management of business risks is achieved
It better prepares the business / organization for the upcoming challenges
Enhances prospects, opportunities and competitiveness
Expression of interest
Please contact us directly for more information on the program you are interested in and how you can apply it to your business exclusively for your own employees.
Just fill in the details below and we will contact you shortly.
We are always eager for your best service!