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Operating System and Business Technology Upgrade

Powerful and faster business

Transform your business faster and more powerful!

Why the systematic upgrading of your business is necessary

  • ​Time saving due to the development of the speed of execution of tasks.
  • More comfort and people satisfaction by reducing the stress of human error and avoiding modes of operation that disrupt work.
  • Smarter decisions at all levels of operation and management.
  • Improves the perception of the customers and business associates.
  • Productivity increases because the relationship between results and efficiency increases.
  • The competitiveness of the business is enhanced due to the ability to provide a better relationship between quality and price.
  • The sustainable development and stable operation of the business is ensured.

Digital competitiveness of the business


Ability to understand and evaluate technologies for your business.


Possibility of digital innovation / technology development in your business.


Readiness to upgrade – ability to leverage new technologies, timely, holistically and efficiently, in your business.

World Digital Competitiveness

The digital competitiveness of Cyprus

According to the global organization World Digital Competitiveness, Cyprus in 2023 was in 51st place among 64 countries.

Do you know how competitive the digital upgrade of your business is?

DELL Technologies Innovation Index Digital Transformation Index

Where does your company rank according to the DELL Index?

Innovation Index Maturity Curve
  • ​​"digital leaders" are companies that have integrated digital transformation into their various functions (in their DNA).
  • "digital adopters" are companies that have a mature digital plan and are already investing in innovation.
  • "digital evaluators" who embrace digital transformation carefully and incrementally, plan and invest for the future.
  • "digital followers" are the companies that have implemented minimal digital investments and are now planning the future with great hesitation.​
  • "digital laggards" who lack digital planning and have limited initiatives planned investments.

12 strategic questions before change

  • Have you undertaken a holistic self-assessment of your business's digital capability / competitiveness?
  • What upgrade strategy will you follow to upgrade your business?
  • How will you exercise appropriate leadership for the new organizational culture?
  • How will you ensure the effective implementation of your strategy to reap all the benefits?
  • How will you manage all the changes during the transformation of your business?
  • Will you optimize existing operating processes so you don't transfer unproductive habits to new technologies?
  • How will you develop an effective collaboration between your people?
  • How will you have real-time information at your disposal for more effective decision-making?
  • How will you manage technologies – governance and risks?
  • Will you utilize consulting services for better diagnosis, guidance and support of changes?
  • Will you take advantage of HRDA subsidies to implement workshops that will involve your staff in order to better diagnose, guide and support the changes?
  • Will you take advantage of the Minstry of Commerce Digital Transformation Upgrade Scheme to finance your digital investments?

Methodology for Upgrading Operation and Technology







Identifying business needs (problems, opportunities)

  • Defining the business environment.
  • Operating system analysis - processes and technology.


Road map

  • Detailed description of objectives and requirements for solution providers.
  • Presentations and conception of the technical solution and requirements.
  • Provider selection, change planning and infrastructure preparation for adoption of the solutions.
  • Project schedule and deliverables planning.
  • Stakeholders involved and roles.


Development of the solutions by the involved providers and internal teams of the business.


Implementation of the new overall operating system.

  • Implementation of the new process system.
  • Internal installation of technologies.
  • Functional test.
  • Final configurations and data migration.
  • User training.
  • Final user acceptance.
  • Defining needs.


Support from all involved providers and internal support teams.

  • Address issues that users and administrators may encounter.
  • Maintaining the uninterrupted operation and performance of the system.

How may we help you

  • To hold meetings for thorough handling of strategic questions concerning your business.
  • To apply the Operation and Technology Upgrade Methodology to your business.
  • Take advantage of the YEEB's Digital Upgrade Plan to finance the digital costs of your business.
  • To take advantage of Human Resources Development Authority grant schemes to support the entire project of upgrading the operation and technology of your business.

Make the necessary changes and lead your business into the future!

Χορηγίες ΑνΑΔ

Η υλοποίηση των μονοεπιχειρησιακών επιχορηγημένων προγραμμάτων μπορεί να γίνει μέσα στον χώρο της επιχείρησης ή σε εγκεκριμένη αίθουσα ή σε διαδικτυακό χώρο που εγκρίνονται από την ΑνΑΔ.

Το κόστος της εκπαίδευσης μπορεί να καλυφθεί μέχρι και 100% από την επιχορήγηση της ΑνΑΔ, ανάλογα με το επίπεδο χορηγήματος και τον αριθμό ατόμων που συμμετέχουν στο πρόγραμμα.

Υποστηρίζουμε τις επιχειρήσεις με τις διαδικασίες έγκρισης και καταβολής χορηγήματος από την Αρχή Ανάπτυξης Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού μέσω της πλατφόρμας ΕΡΜΗΣ.

The Partners PS team has applied the methodology to a significant number of business projects.​

Thank you for the trust!

Embrace the change, endure the chaos and emerge transformed!

Inspiration from business transformation gurus
Ώρες εκπαιδευτική εμπειρία
Σεμινάρια - Εργαστήρια
Επιχειρηματικά πλάνα
Digital Transformation Plans
Ministry of Commerce & HRDA Approvals

Expression of interest

Please contact us directly for more information.​

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We are always eager for your best service!
